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Tiddlywinks Preschool Visitor’s Policy


Tiddlywinks Preschool happily welcomes visitors and operates an open-door policy. However, at times limitation may be placed to protect the children and staff to avoid any unnecessary disruption and we would advise visitors to book in advance to ensure a suitable member of staff is available.


Preschool manager, Debbie Cherry and deputy manager Jeannette Foster have the authority to determine which visitors are to be permitted.


Tiddlywinks reserves the right to refuse entry to any person, which we may have reasonable doubt of their identity. In instance where parents are separated, both custodial and non-custodial parents have the right to visit the preschool, unless a court order is placed restricting such contact of accessibility.


All visitors should wear a badge to identify themselves to staff and parents. Visitors must always be accompanied by a member of staff whilst within the setting. The manager must advise the visitor of all fire exits and explain if there are planned fire drills for that day.


All external doors/gates must be locked at all times and all internal doors must remain closed while the setting is open.


Security on the door and within the setting:

•Staff MUST check the identity of any visitor they do not recognise before allowing them to enter the premises. New visitors and outside agencies must have a photo ID to enter the building.

•Passwords for collections and authorised persons to collect must be checked within children’s registration files, if not known to the staff.

•Visitors to the setting must be signed in and recorded in the sign in book, displayed in the entrance.

•Professionals and regular visitors must have submitted their DBS number and date of validity must be checked.

•Visitors must always be accompanied by a member of staff while in the setting unless working for another professional agency, i.e. OFSTED

•Parents, children or visitors are reminded not to allow entry to any person, whether they know the person or not.

•The preschool will under no circumstance tolerate any form of harassment from third parties, including visitors, towards others, including children, staff members or parents.


Procedure for welcoming new visitors

All staff, parents/carers, children and visitors must enter by way of the main entrance. The entrance door must never be opened by another parent/carer or visitor. Upon answering the door, staff must:

1.Open the door and greet the visitor- ask the visitor the reason for the visit

2.Request a photo ID and have the visitor sign in in the book.

3.Inform the visitor of the mobile phone and wearable device policy and have all phones and smart watches deposited in the office for the duration of the visit.

4.Inform the visitor of any fire drills scheduled for the day

5.Make visitor aware of the safeguarding board and point out our Designated safeguarding leads in the setting that day.

6.Inform the setting manager or deputy, if you haven’t already done so.



This policy was adopted at a meeting of Tiddlywinks Pre-school

Held on......................................................................

Date to be reviewed.................................................

Signed on behalf of provider.....................................

Name of signatory.....................................................

Role of signatory (chair).............................................

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